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Integrate the best social media posts in your live broadcast. sendONSCREEN is fully broadcast capable and ideal for all TV presentations.


Interact with your customers and integrate the opinions of your visitors into your event. This will also enable you to reach younger target groups.


Generate emotions on your website by integrating sendONSCREEN on a temporary or permanent basis.







Operation: Displaying congratulations received on all social media channels from all over the world on the occasion of a company anniversary.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: The content of all messages received was filtered in the sendONSCREEN editorial system. Display on the TUI website for a total of three months.



Operation: For the pre-match reporting on a live game in the second division of the Bundesliga the editorial team of Sport 1 asked all the fans watching on television to submit their questions on the match to presenter Laura Wontorra by social media.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: The content of all the questions received was filtered in the sendONSCREEN editorial system. The messages were displayed on a digital backdrop.



Operation: Social media integration. Filtering a range of posts on sports -related topics and displaying them on live TV. For all Sportschau (sports report) productions.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: Via the sendONSCREEN editorial system the TV editors filtered relevant posts, which were then displayed in animated graphic form during the TV shows.

#blossnicht langweilen

blossnicht langweilen

Operation: Design of an interactive trade fair stand for the RBB at the IFA trade show. The Carl Fotobox enabled visitors to the trade fair to create photos, videos or animated GIFs, which were transferred to the trade fair wall in real-time. There the images from the Fotobox and the coolest social media posts were displayed with the RBB hashtag

Application of sendONSCREEN®: The content of all the images and posts received under the RBB hashtag was filtered in the sendONSCREEN editorial system. The best of these were approved and displayed on the trade fair wall.

#thalia whatsnext

thalia whatsnext

Operation: An interactive trade fair participation at the Frankfurt Book Fair. By using WhatsApp visitors of the fair were able to send messages and ask for book recommendations. The questions as well as answers of Thalia editorial team have been displayed on a giant iPhone in front of the trade fair hall.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: All WhatsApp messages were received by the sendONSCREEN editorial system. The Thalia editorial team answered all inquiries and provided book recommendations. The conversations were displayed on the giant iPhone in Thalia’s corporate design.



Operation: An interactive Q&A session at the German Hotel Congress. During the speeches on the main stage the audience had the possibility to send questions by SMS or email. The most interesting questions were displayed directly on screen.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: In sendONSCREEN an editor filtered the most relevant posts submitted by the audience. An operator in the editorial tool transferred live posts to the screen. The posts were visible during the Q&A session which causes honest feedback of the audience.



Operation: The interactive display of social media posts on various social walls on the event site and a digital Q&A session. During the presentations the audience had the opportunity to tweet questions at all times.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: In the sendONSCREEN editorial tool an editor filtered the most relevant posts and questions submitted by the audience. For the Q&A the most interesting questions have been displayed on various monitors. This causes honest feedback of the audience. The opinions and impressions of the guests can be seen on the Social Walls on the event site.



Operation: The live display of the most interesting Twitter tweets from the public at the Central Real Estate Congress.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: In the sendONSCREEN editorial system the ZIA editorial team filtered the most relevant tweets, with an operator in the direction system displaying the live tweets on the screen. There they were visible during all presentations and discussion sessions, thus creating lively interaction.



Operation: The networking of participants by a digital form of interaction. The aim was for participants to network with one another digitally.

Application of sendONSCREEN®: On the digital Carl-UpReach-Fotobox participants in the congress were able to enter their personal contact data and have their photo taken. These digital business cards were then displayed by sendONSCREEN on a range of monitors, thus implementing the digital networking of participants. In addition the images were integrated in the congress app via sendONSCREEN.

How it works


All plans contain publication and animation in the browser in various styles (Ticker, Slider, Wall, Metro), single page or iFrame; adaptable design; API export (XML, Excel, JSON, RSS) for graphics systems (Ventuz, Pandoras Box, VizRT); editorial system with moderation, automatic blacklisting/white listing; comfortable sorting and filtering; dashboard with statistics; wordcloud; anonymisation.

What do you need? Each individual compilation of functions for your project is possible. Also any kind of support, including on-site at your event. You want to manage more projects, use more hashtags or use the possibility of voting? Please contact us and we will find out which plan is the best for your events.


1 project
Duration max. 24h
1 hashtag
Channels/sources: SMS, eMail, Form/API
100 messages
Editing and pinning of messages
Support via eMail


1 project
Duration max. 1 month
5 hashtags
Channels/sources: SMS, eMail
500 messages
Support via eMail


2 projects
Duration max. 1 month
5 hashtags
Channels/sources: SMS, eMail, Whatsapp, Form/API
2000 messages
Support via eMail, phone, Live support on request.


3 projects
Duration max. 1 month
5 hashtags
Channels/sources: SMS, eMail, Whatsapp, Form/API
2000 messages
Editing and pinning of messages
Support via eMail, phone, Live support on request.


Adjust sendONSCREEN to your corporate design.


Try out sendONSCREEN for free and without a credit card. Sign in with your Twitter or Github account. Give your project a hashtag (e.g. #welovehh) and you can start immediately. When the message limit is reached, the oldest clear out when new ones come in.


With the following tutorial we will help you getting startet with sendONSCREEN. We will show you the configuration settings for starting and running a project.

Do you need help with your project? Please feel free to contact us:



Please feel free to contact us: sendONSCREEN® is a web app by CARL KONFERENZ- & EVENTTECHNIK GmbH & Co. Further information, demos and references are available at

Carl Group